Love To Bake Silken Tofu Amongst Oyster Sauce 蚝油水豆腐

s simply that some similar the tofu steamed hot Love to Bake Silken Tofu amongst Oyster Sauce 蚝油水豆腐

Ever sang Pease Porridge Hot???
Some similar it hot, some similar it cold, some similar it inward the pot, ix days old...

Haha.. this is non going to a nine 24-hour interval tofu..
It's simply that some similar the tofu steamed hot, some similar it refrigerator cold.

My mom's side of identify unit of measurement likes it cold... as well as to them, steaming somehow makes the tofu slightly tougher.. Well, equally u tin see, when u steam tofu..some of its H2O content is released..which explained their reason.

Silken Tofu amongst Oyster Sauce Recipe

1 pc Silken Tofu (or smoothen tofu, to a greater extent than or less 300gm)
2 Shallots (thinly sliced)
1 Tbsp dried shrimp (chopped)
2 Tbsp oyster sauce
2 Tbsp oil
Green onions as well as ruddy chili for garnish

1. Place silken tofu onto a dish
2. Heat wok as well as lay inward oil.
3. Saute shallots on depression oestrus until golden as well as crispy. Dish out. Retain oil.
4. Put inward dried shrimp as well as small-scale fry for a infinitesimal or until real fragrant. Then add together inward oyster sauce.
5. Stir for a piece as well as pour sauce over prepared tofu.
6. Sprinkle on crispy shallots.
7. Garnish amongst some chopped greenish onions as well as ruddy chili.
s simply that some similar the tofu steamed hot Love to Bake Silken Tofu amongst Oyster Sauce 蚝油水豆腐
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