Bigos (Polish Hunter’S Stew) – Larn Bigos Or Larn Home

I don’t oftentimes instruct requests for Polish food, simply when I do, they’re commonly for bigos. Which makes perfect sense, since this meaty stew is 1 of the well-nigh delicious dishes you’ll always taste. It’s too low-carb, highly nutritious, as well as rattling unproblematic to make, equally long equally y'all don’t consider having to facial expression a twenty-four hr menses to swallow it, “complicated.”

While y'all tin dismiss swallow this equally shortly equally it’s made, as well as I bet well-nigh of y'all do, it’s much ameliorate the side yesteryear side day, equally all the flavors conduct maintain fourth dimension to properly meld together. You tin dismiss too actually customize this to your personal tastes yesteryear changing upwards which meats y'all use.

Traditionally, this is made amongst wild game, such equally venison, boar, as well as other shootable animals, simply is perfectly acceptable, if non amazing, using easier to discovery domestic livestock. Regardless of which meats y'all include, endure certain to purpose a lot of them, equally I intend this stew should endure at to the lowest degree 50% meat.

Since y'all can, as well as should brand this ahead of time, it’s perfect for feeding large groups, peculiarly when the atmospheric condition turns mutual coldness as well as dreary. But, no thing what it’s doing outside, I promise y'all plough over this a try, as well as conduct maintain a pot simmering within soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for half-dozen portions:
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 packed cups drained sauerkraut
1 minor caput greenish cabbage, quartered as well as sliced (2 pound caput earlier trimming)
4 strips bacon, cutting inwards 1-inch pieces
1 lb pork shoulder, cutting into 1-inch pieces
1 lb beef chuck, cutting into 1-inch pieces
1 lb smooth sausage links, sliced (or whatever other sausage)
1 large onion, peeled as well as chopped
3 pitted prunes, diced
1/4 loving cup dried porcini mushrooms, soaked until soft as well as chopped
1 loving cup dry out scarlet wine
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds
1/2 teaspoons dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1 large bay leaf
freshly dry soil dark pepper
salt to taste
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