Caldo Verde – My Light-Green Soup Redux

Caldo verde is many things: elementary to make, inexpensive, nutritious, famously delicious, as well as beyond comforting. What it isn’t, however, is Spanish. I learned that afterwards posting a version of this soup 10 years ago, when I tagged it equally “Spanish Cuisine,” as well as a few rattling “passionate” Portuguese viewers allow me know, inwards no uncertain terms, that was non accurate.

This soup hails from the Minho Province inwards northern Portugal, as well as at ane time that the tape has been educate straight, nosotros tin give the axe movement on to only how bang-up this elementary soup is. This is ane of those recipes where y'all genuinely promise for horrible weather, then y'all tin give the axe relish it inwards all its soul-warming glory. This is then hearty as well as comforting, you’ll close forget how expert it is for you.

I recommend trying to discovery Portuguese linguica, but similar I said inwards the video, pretty much whatever cured, spicy, smoked sausage volition work. Andouille would locomote a bang-up choice, equally would a dried chorizo. As usual, experience gratis to adjust this equally y'all run across fit, but I wouldn’t alter the recommended russet potatoes.

They bring the perfect starchiness for this soup, as well as create a wonderfully silky texture. Waxier cherry potatoes won't function equally well, but, having said that, it’s your soup, then practice what y'all want. Just don’t telephone telephone it Spanish. So, whether y'all expect for around nasty cold, moisture atmospheric condition or not, I genuinely practice promise y'all give this caldo verde a crusade soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for vi large portions:
1 tablespoon olive oil
12 ounces Linguica sausage
1 onion diced fine, addition a pinch of tabular array salt
3 pounds russet potatoes, peeled, sliced
2 teaspoons salt, addition to a greater extent than equally needed
2 quarts chicken broth or water
2 pounds kale, trimmed, chopped, washed as well as drained
pinch of cayenne, optional
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