Learn As Well As Sentry A Novel Tool From Twitter To Practise As Well As Part Polls

October 23, 2015
In a weblog post published ii days agone Twitter announced that it is releasing a novel functionality that volition enable Twitter users to do polls. As of correct now, this functionality is non even then added precisely according to Twitter’s post, it is expected inwards the few coming days.

If yous are using Twitter inwards your instruction, this polling characteristic volition last a bully agency for yous to poll your students too larn their feedback on topics related to what yous are teaching. You tin equally good job it alongside your PLN to crowdsource insights too opinions nigh whatsoever effect yous want. Pools volition enable yous to both engage alongside members of your PLN too volition equally good empower your students alongside a voice.

"Previously, we’ve offered a few ways to participate inwards polls — Tweeting questions too tracking replies, tallying hashtag votes, or holler for followers to favorite or Retweet to vote. Now, you’ll last able to do your ain two-choice poll correct from the compose box too it volition rest alive for 24 hours. You tin vote on whatsoever poll, too how yous voted is non shared publicly."

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