Learn As Well As Scout Instructor Tip- Purpose Google Forms To Right Away Encounter Students Feedback

Today I am sharing amongst you lot a handy Google Sheets tip to purpose on the forms you lot percentage amongst students. This tip permit you lot to have a notification electronic mail  every fourth dimension a pupil submits a form. You tin sack select whether you lot desire to live on notified each fourth dimension a alter is made to the shape or exclusively when a user submits a form. Similarly, you lot tin sack besides select whether you lot desire to have a daily digest electronic mail or an instantaneous email. In this way, you lot volition live on able forthwith rail all the forms submission from your students too gain upward one's heed who submitted what too when.

To enable this notification feature, caput over to your Google form, too click on “ Tools” too select “Notification rules”

Select from the options provided inwards the box.

Watch this video to larn to a greater extent than near this tip.

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