Learn As Well As Sentinel New- Google At I Time Offers These Powerful Storytelling Apps For Free

February 9, 2015
Following the buy of Launchpad Toys yesteryear Google, this latter has officially made the 2 pop educational apps Toonastic as well as TeleStory  free for everyone. This slice of news, which I learned from Jonathan Wylie, is a non bad welcome for educators as well as teachers. The 2 apps are already beingness heavily used yesteryear teachers as well as nosotros convey reviewed them hither inwards several yesteryear instances, however, directly that they are free, teachers volition convey access to those powerful as well as advanced features that were available exclusively to premium members through in-app purchase.

1- Toonastic

Toonastic is a non bad storytelling app that allows kids to easily draw, animate as well as create beautiful cartoons to part amongst others.”Making cartoons amongst Toontastic is every bit slow every bit putting on a puppet demo - only press the tape button, movement your characters onscreen, as well as say your story. Toontastic records your animation as well as vocalism every bit a cartoon video to part amongst friends as well as family. “

2- TeleStory

TeleStory is exactly about other fantastic storytelling app that draws on  the ability of augmented reality features. It allows users to create stories using a broad diversity of themes, animated scenes, l unlike digital costumes, as well as many particular effects. Users tin tape or broadcast their creations yesteryear exporting them to their photographic boob tube camera curl as well as thus from in that place part them amongst others.

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