Learn As Well As Spotter Acclaim- A Skillful Tool To Utilization Instructional Videos That Embed Comments As Well As Annotations

January 31, 2015
Acclaim is a spider web platform for teaching which facilitates intelligence closed to video content. It allows students too professors to portion questions, notes, too feedback past times inserting time-specific comments that link to moments inwards each video. Each comment is clickable, too i time clicked, the video volition boundary to the specific minute that is beingness discussed. Students tin come across too reply to comments from the professor too other students at whatsoever time.

Users add together videos to Acclaim inwards i of 3 dissimilar ways:

1) By embedding YouTube or Vimeo clips;
2) By uploading video files stored on a difficult motility or mobile device; and
3) By using the built-in webcam characteristic to practise too upload a video inwards existent time.

Acclaim promotes educatee appointment past times encouraging intelligence inwards a responsive too asynchronous format.  Acclaim professors typically assign video content for viewing equally homework, too inquire students to portion their thoughts too insights inwards the shape of discussions alongside beau classmates. In functioning based-classes, such equally dance, populace speaking, too lawsuit law, students may tape themselves using the webcam feature, too have precise feedback from professors too peers regarding specific moments of excellence, equally good equally points for improvement. Acclaim hones critical thinking, listening,  analytical too observational skills.

Acclaim  can too ameliorate  class organization too educatee privacy. Within Acclaim, users tin practise secure folders based closed to shape units too assignments, too thus grant access to  specific students or colleagues on a express basis.  This built inwards privacy management tin survive reassuring to students alongside anxiety nearly their functioning or concerns nearly populace critique.

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