Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man A Really Proficient Checklist For Assessing 21St Century Learning Skills

January 29, 2015
Here is to a greater extent than or less other non bad resources from medico Jackie Gerstein, ane of our favourite EdTech bloggers. Jackie designed this beautiful nautical chart featuring  12  attributes as well as skills that teachers should tend to inwards their instruction. You tin plough over the sack purpose it equally a self-assessment checklist to aid yous evaluate your teaching practice.

What  I similar the most most this nautical chart is the fact that it emphasizes the social as well as affective factor inwards learning, something which is oft overlooked inwards today’s digitally-focused learning paradigms. These mechanical skill-based as well as market-oriented paradigms trim back students to ‘cheerful robots’ as well as stance pedagogy equally ‘merely a skill, technique, or disinterested method’ to learn pre specified dependent area matter' (Giroux, 2011). Instead, instruction should last viewed equally an of import locomotive non exclusively for gainful occupation but likewise for ‘creating the formative civilisation of beliefs, practices, as well as social relations that enable individuals to wield power, larn how to govern, as well as rear a democratic guild that takes equality, justice, shared values, as well as liberty seriously.(Kindle Location, 67 from "On Critical Pedagogy").

Jackie's ready of attributes featured inwards this nautical chart chime inwards amongst Giroux's stance of instruction equally a agency of producing citizens who are 'critical, self-reflective, knowledgeable as well as willing to brand moral judgements as well as deed inwards a socially responsible way.'

Check out Jackie's original post to access to a greater extent than resources as well as links accompanied amongst this chart.

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