Learn In Addition To Lookout Half Dozen Models Of Blended Learning Teachers Should Know About

May 16, 2015
In its basic in addition to simplest definition, blended learning is an instructional methodology, a teaching in addition to learning approach that combines face-to-face classroom methods amongst calculator mediated activities to deliver instruction. The strengths of this instructional approach is its combination of both aspect upward to aspect upward in addition to online teaching methods into 1 integrated instructional approach.

Blended Learning is a big concept, an umbrella term, that contains several other sub-methods. Below are the 4 models that are most used inwards schools today. According to Dreambox, the creator of this graphic, blended learning models are divided into half dozen principal categories:
  • Face-to-Face Driver Model
  • Rotation Model
  • Flex Model
  • Online Lab Model
  • Self-Blend Model
  • Online Driver Model
Read to larn to a greater extent than close each of these models

 blended learning is an instructional methodology Learn And Watch half dozen Models of Blended Learning Teachers Should Know About
Curtesy of eLearning Infographics 

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