Learn In Addition To Scout About Novel Interesting Updates To Google Classroom

July 3, 2015
Google Classroom has late released a bunch of novel updates. Most of import of which is Classroom part push clitoris that volition enable students in addition to teachers to ‘seamlessly assign or turn-in links, videos in addition to images from or in addition to thus other webpage or production without having to larn out the website they are on'. Up till now, over twenty educational content in addition to tool providers accept already committed to integrating the Classroom part push clitoris (e.g PBS, Quizlet, Duolingo, Discovery Education, American Museum of Natural History…).

Another of import update to Google Classroom is the Classroom API which volition allow admins to produce out classes at scale in addition to enable developers to produce add-ons for Classroom.  The creators Doktopus, accept already created a Classroom improver called RosterSync. This app allows ‘ Google Apps for EDU domain administrators to produce in addition to update teachers’ Google Classroom courses in addition to rosters straight from their pupil data system.’

Other updates announced yesteryear Classroom include:

Whitelist domains: 
This is expected to last released over the coming weeks. With this novel feature, you lot volition last able to ‘whitelist other Google Apps for Education domains in addition to thus students, teachers or staff inwards dissimilar domains tin effectively function together inwards Drive in addition to Classroom.’

Mobile Classroom notifications: 
This is or in addition to thus other characteristic expected inwards the adjacent few weeks. It volition allow students to larn notifications on their iOS in addition to Android devices informing them of their novel assignment, grades, notes etc.

Re-use previous posts:
Staring adjacent August, teachers volition last able to re-use the assignments in addition to other materials from former classes.

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