Learn In Addition To Scout Cracking Educational Spider Web Tools For Making Virtual Champaign Trips

May 5, 2015
Learning doesn't solely come about inward the classroom. It tin laissez passer on the axe come about anywhere. Here are some teacher-tested tools to accept y'all places, whether it hold upwardly physically or virtually. Make an run a jeopardy out of learning.

 Get dropped inward a random spot inward the Blue Planet and, using Google Street View, approximate your location.
Explore tens of thousands of museums roughly the Blue Planet from your browser or mobile device.
 Find kid-friendly museums, libraries, together with cultural centers that y'all tin laissez passer on the axe purpose for plain trips. Currently express to a few places inward the U.S.

Play an educational CCSS- together with NGSS-aligned version of this pop city-building game.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools .

Virtual Field Trips 
This 1 is curated yesteryear library media specialist Julie Prescott.
This is curated yesteryear library media specialist Pamela Vallee.
By Mike Lee, Co-founder of edshelf
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