Learn In Addition To Sentry V Proficient Android Portfolio Creator Apps For Students

June 8, 2015
Today nosotros are updating the pop ‘iPad digital portfolio apps’ post nosotros published final twelvemonth past times adding the Android version of simply about of the apps nosotros featured there.  Using these apps students holler teachers volition hold upward able to easily create too access their digital portfolios online. They tin sack also purpose them to document their learning too to showcase their progress via compiling too storing unlike learning artifacts too creating independent learning journals. Some of these tools allow parents too teachers to snuff it on rail of what their students are learning too how they are progressing.

1- Weebly 

Weebly allows you lot to easily create a webpage where you lot tin sack part your learning artifacts too documents. It provides  “a beautiful sheet for tactile website building. Weebly turns the Android tablet into a truthful creative tool that lets you lot follow your inspiration from kickoff to publish.”

2- Three Ring

The easiest means to capture qualitative prove of pupil learning. Three Ring allows teachers too students to document *anything*, organize it inwards seconds, too conduct maintain it seamlessly available at schoolhouse too at home, both inwards the app AND on the website: www.threering.com.
3- Evernote

This is simply about other slap-up app students tin sack purpose to showcase their learning. They tin sack write notes, add together checklists curate too organize spider web articles too documents, attach files too PDFs, operate amongst collaboratively amongst others too many more

4- Easy Portfolio

Easy Portfolio lets you lot capture too part your operate inwards unlike forms including: photograph too videos, good recordings, notes too text entries, spider web links to online content, too digital documents straight from Dropbox or email.

5- OpenSchool ePortfolio

“Use OpenSchool ePortfolio to create too grapple digital portfolios for your entire class! Create too assign pupil projects, accept pictures, video too good recordings of pupil operate too upload them correct to a student’s ePortfolio, purpose our built-in rubric maker to sentiment Common Core State Standards, every bit good every bit other standards, that are PRE-LEVELED, to facilitate authentic assessment.”

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