Learn Together With Lookout Adult Man Hither Is A Novel Tool For Creating Interactive Videos To Part Alongside Students

September , 2015
Vibby is a novel video platform that allows users to exercise interactive video learning experiences. The piece of job of Vibby is to enable y'all to blueprint interactive video content geared towards engaging learners together with enhancing communication. Using Vibby, y'all volition hold upwardly able to highlight, portion together with hash out parts of whatever online video.  As a teacher, y'all tin utilize this video platform to engage students through discussions held to a greater extent than or less the content of the video. Students tin add together their comments together with telephone commutation their thoughts virtually specific points inwards the video.

Vibby allows y'all to re-use existing videos to engage your learners to a greater extent than or less the video content y'all created or curated for them. You tin also direct whatever YouTube video together with acquire far interactive past times seamlessly highlighting the exact moments y'all desire to describe your students attending to. Comments tin hold upwardly added correct on the video creating synchronous interaction amid students.

Want another interesting spider web tools for creating interactive video content? Check out this page.

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