Learn Together With Lookout Adult Man This Is Why Students Involve To Larn Coding

January, 2015
Coding is becoming ane of the essential literacies inward the 21st century education. There is a growing request straight off for teaching students how to code. In his wonderful TED beak titled "Let's instruct kids to code", Scientist Mitch Resnick made this beautiful analogy :
When kids larn to code , it enables them to larn many other things, opens upward many novel opportunities for learning. It's useful to brand an analogy to reading as well as writing, when y'all larn to read as well as write it opens upward opportunities for y'all to larn hence many other things, when y'all larn to read y'all tin dismiss as well as then read to learn, which is the same matter amongst coding, if y'all larn to code y'all tin dismiss code to learn. 

To farther highlight the importance of teaching kids coding skills, I am sharing amongst y'all this beautiful visual titled" Rise of Coding". The visual features but about interesting facts as well as data on  why coding is essential inward our digital era.

 Coding is becoming ane of the essential literacies inward the  Learn And Watch This Is Why Students Need to Learn Coding
Source: Online College.  Courtesy of : elearning infographics

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