Learn Too Picket Google Crusade Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Canvas For Teachers

July 11, 2015
Google Drive has proved itself to travel an educational tool of high potential for us inwards education. From storing files together with docs inwards the cloud to providing tardily notwithstanding powerful tools to practise presentations, documents, sheets together with drawings, Google Drive is definitely a robust educational Swiss Knife. We convey been sharing a lot of tips, tricks together with tools to aid you lot brand the best of your Drive together with you lot tin transportation away access all of these resources from this page. Today, nosotros are sharing alongside you lot this fantabulous listing of keyboard shortcuts for Google Drive on the web.

This keyboard shortcut list, created together with provided past times Google, volition enable you lot to speedily navigate your means inwards your Drive saving you lot  time together with enhancing your overall productivity. The listing is available correct inwards your Drive. Simply click on the on cog icon on the correct manus side together with conduct ‘keyboard shortcuts’

You tin transportation away also access it from Google Drive Help page.To display the keyboard shortcut listing inwards Google Drive, press Ctrl + / (Chrome OS, Windows) or ⌘ + / (Mac).

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