Learn Too Sentry Is Technology Revolutionizing Education?

September 18, 2015
‘This Will Revolutionize Education’ is the championship of an interesting video shared past times the pop YouTube channel Veritasium. The overarching interrogation the videos attempts to respond centers around whether the novel technologies volition revolutionize education. Departing from the presumption that every novel applied scientific discipline seems to hold upwards transformative (e,g Motion Picture, Radio, TV, Telephone, Computer…etc), the speaker went on to deflate such transformative claims vis a vis didactics past times showing how classroom instruction has been inwards a nation of inertia manifested inwards the usage of the same teaching methods that stimulate got been used years in addition to years ago. And regarding the potential of the novel technologies inwards trend today inwards revolutionizing education, the speaker’s persuasion is negative. He attributes technology’s failure to deeply transform learning to the inherent social expression of learning which entails interaction in addition to reciprocity betwixt dissimilar social agents.

While nosotros produce concur alongside some of his ideas peculiarly concerning the social expression of learning simply nosotros do, however, believe that novel technologies to a greater extent than than whatever other technologies humanity has known, stimulate got radically revolutionized the educational landscape to the indicate where are immediately talking virtually novel learning trends such every bit Flipped learning, BYOD, mobile learning to hollo simply a few. Also, the social expression of learning is definitely non threatened past times the encroachment of these technologies. There are genuinely  several  audio-visual platforms where learners tin freely in addition to instantaneously interact alongside each other in addition to alongside their teachers regardless of their geographical whereabouts.  It’s truthful applied scientific discipline has its limitations in addition to tin sometimes hold upwards disappointing, simply it definitely has to a greater extent than to offering for education.

We invite yous t lookout adult man this brusque video in addition to portion alongside us your stimulate got on the purpose of novel technologies inwards today's education. Enjoy

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