Learn As Well As Sentinel Must Convey Resources On Using Twitter For Teachers Professional Person Development

September 30, 2014
Twitter is definitely i of the best social networking websites to help yous amongst your professional person development. I convey been using Twitter for a few years at i time together with I must tell that it was together with is all the same of tremendous help to me both inwards learning close resources together with tech tools to part amongst yous hither together with also inwards my personal increment equally a budding scholar interested inwards studying the send on of emerging technologies on literacy learning. So it is no coincidence that my psyche thesis was on the educational potential of Twitter.

Recognizing the huge importance of Twitter inwards our professional person growth, I created an entire department hither inwards EdTech together with M-Learning where I part tools , posters, and  tips together with guides to help teachers brand the best of this microblogging platform. Today, I am adding around other fantabulous resources from Cybraryman's library. This is a page packed total of wonderful resources together with materials to help yous ameliorate leverage Twitter for your professional person evolution purposes. I would highly recommend that yous bookmark the page together with proceed coming dorsum to it for Cybraryman is constantly adding resources to it.
Check out Cybraryman's Twitter for PD page.

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