Learn In Addition To Scout Eleven Cracking Youtube Channels For Teachers

September 11, 2014
YouTube is undoubtedly i of the most pop video hosting platforms inwards history. The stats released past times its direction a few months agone are only heed blowing. With to a greater extent than than 1 billion monthly visitors too over vi billion hours of video beingness watched each calendar month (which equals almost an lx minutes for every somebody on Earth) too an average of 100 hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube sets a tape of beingness the get-go well visual media amongst the largest achieve ever.

As such, YouTube is definitely a treasure trove for us inwards education. It provides us amongst a varied too rich origin of videos to utilization inwards shape amongst students. However, searching for educational content on a platform that hosts millions of videos is akin to looking for a needle inwards a haystack. This is why curated lists such every bit the i below proves helpful peculiarly inwards helping busy teachers lead maintain tardily too instant access to  handy YouTube channels that characteristic interesting educational content relevant for classroom use. To this end, I compiled this listing that comprises some of the pop channels on YouTube that teachers too students tin utilization for educational purposes.

1- Crash Course

In this channel, teachers John too Hank Green render some fantabulous video explanations too tutorials on a diversity of topics related to World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, too States History.

2- TED Ed

You are in all likelihood already familiar amongst this channel. TED Ed features some of the best video lessons created past times talented educators too inwards collaboration amongst professional person animators.

3- Shots of Awe

With over 151 thou subscribers, Shots of Awe is i of the most pop YouTube channels for academics, researchers, students too scientific discipline lovers. Each week, Jason Silva uploads a video that takes viewers into the miraculous depths of human knowledge. He covers topics related to the development of human intelligence, complex systems of society, technology too human existence too discusses the truth too beauty of scientific discipline inwards a shape of existential Jazz.

4- Asap Science

Asap Science is a Youtube channel dedicated for everything related to scientific discipline too scientific  concepts. It mixes fun too learning inwards such a agency that the explanation of scientific phenomena becomes a pleasance to watch.

5- SciShow

SciShow is some other awesome YouTube channel I repeatedly featured hither inwards this blog. SciShow contains videos that utter over scientific too historical concepts.

6- Keith Hughes

Keith's videos are actually fun to watch. His channel HipHughes History features a "a serial of upbeat, personable too educational lectures designed for students too lifelong learners. Videos primarily focus on States History too Politics but bridge across World History too full general interest. So sit down dorsum too taste the antics of HipHughes every bit he melds multimodality into a learning experience."

7-  Khan Academy

The pop Khan Academy channel provides video lessons on a diversity of topics too across dissimilar disciplines namely science, math, physics, biological scientific discipline too many more


NASA's YouTube channel includes hundreds of videos on infinite exploration, scientific discovery, too aeronautics research.

9- Smarter EveryDAY

Smarter EveryDAY is a wonderful channel where students acquire to acquire near scientific discipline through explanations of mutual feel phenomena.

10- Mental Floss

This is like to Shots of Awe I mentioned above. It is a weekly exhibit where John provides  some fantabulous videos on challenging topics too large questions.

11- Veritasium 

 "Veritasium is a scientific discipline video weblog featuring experiments, proficient interviews, cool demos, too discussions amongst the world near everything science."

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