Learn In Addition To Sentry Digital Learning Portfolio Direct For Teachers

September 23, 2014
Here is a slap-up notice I don't desire you lot to miss. This is a footstep past times footstep direct on how to contain digital learning portfolios inward the classroom.This direct is created past times Rudy Blanco ( Digital Learning Coordinator at the Dreamyard Preparatory School) as well as is published on Edsurge.

Blanco started his direct amongst a few tips on how to brand digital portfolio learning a successful sense inward your class. He mentioned things such equally pedagogy students almost file scheme as well as cited Google Drive equally a tool to usage for this purpose. He also talked almost using a unified filing physical care for to brand certain that all students are inward the same page  and as well as then concluded his tips amongst the notion of accountability as well as how making students accountable for their live on pushes them to live on harder.

Next, he talked almost the implementation physical care for of the digital learning portfolios as well as outlined 4 primary steps inward this regard:
1- Content, content, content
2- Identify mastery
3- Content enhancement as well as multiple entry points
4- Publish as well as feedback

Read Blanco's full direct  to larn to a greater extent than almost each of these steps. Enjoy.

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