Learn In Addition To Sentry Heighten Students Writing Fashion Amongst This Costless Interactive Visual Map

August 23, 2014
After the Essay Map post I shared a few days ago, today I am sharing amongst yous or hence other wonderful spider web tool from the pop Read Write Think. Persuasion Map is a powerful application that helps students hone inwards their writing skill. Using this spider web tool students volition survive able to do too experiment amongst persuasive writing style.

Here is how Persuasion Map works. First, students get-go amongst identifying their thesis declaration or goal. Then, they motility on to decide iii principal supporting arguments to dorsum upwards their thesis declaration or claim. For each of these supporting arguments they are asked to furnish a substantiated fact or a ready of examples to validate it. All of these ideas are sketched inwards an interactive map graphic that students tin dismiss depict on  to organize their arguments. Then halt production or finished map tin dismiss hence survive saved, emailed, or printed.

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