Learn Together With Scout 30+ Features Of The 21St Century Classroom

September 14, 2014
Now that the novel schoolhouse twelvemonth started together with that students are dorsum to their 'formal' learning trend together with everything seems to live on unfolding every bit planned, it is fourth dimension to intermission together with remember critically nearly the instructional blueprint of your classroom. Think nearly your pedagogy together with how effective it is; the teaching strategies yous describe on inward your education together with the teaching materials yous utilize to heighten students learning. Think nearly the applied scientific discipline yous are using amongst your students together with produce a preliminary assessment of its efficacy. Does it actually meaningfully add together to your teaching or is it merely a 'digital' option of traditional ways of doing things?

Reflecting upon these together with several other like questions volition definitely help yous come across where yous are amongst your teaching together with , most importantly, render yous amongst a lucid motion-picture exhibit of how your classroom is performing. To this terminate , the folks inward Teachthought have designed this wonderful graphic that features 32 characteristics of high-performing classrooms. You mightiness desire to role it every bit a checklist to request yous through your reflective process. Have a await together with portion amongst us what yous remember of it.

 Now that the novel schoolhouse twelvemonth started together with that students are dorsum to their  Learn And Watch 30+ Features of The 21st Century Classroom
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