Learn Together With Scout A Bully Gratuitous Tool For Creating Venn Diagrams

October 24, 2014
Venn Diagram is an fantabulous gratis interactive tool  from the pop Read Write Think that students tin purpose to exercise Venn diagrams that incorporate 2 or 3 overlapping circles. This tool is also available for both iOS together with Android. The iPad app is specially designed for purpose inwards the schoolhouse setting providing students alongside a uncomplicated profile organization where multiple users tin exercise their ain Venn diagrams on the same device.

Students tin purpose Venn diagram to tape concepts together with organize data inwards a systematic together with logical way. They tin selection from several circle colours, together with both the circles together with item font size tin live on altered to ameliorate align alongside the users' needs for each project. Students may stance together with edit their draft diagrams, together with hence impress the finished diagrams for reference. In roughly cases, the Venn diagram tool has been customized to complement a specific lesson or activity.The finished Venn diagram tin live on shared alongside others through email.

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