Learn In Addition To Sentry Ten Ways Teachers Tin Brand The Best Of Twitter

December 22, 2014
As a micro-blogging platform, Twitter has speedily grown to widespread popularity due mainly to its unique features that laid it apart from other social networking websites. One of the foundational principles of Twitter too also a primal chemical element inward its success is brevity. Tweets are express to 140 characters which is a curt portion of text silent a rattling powerful means to communicate. In a digitally focused globe where distractions too curt attending bridge are mutual currencies, people tend to connect to a greater extent than amongst curt too succinct content, something which Twitter excels at providing.

 For us inward education, the potential of Twitter exceeds all expectations. In a relatively curt bridge of time, Twitter evolved into 1 of the best educational social networking platform of pick for educators too teachers. It has also acquire an essential chemical element inward teachers life-long learning too a primal driver of professional person development. As such, I deemed it necessary that I practise this curt introductory remove to deal those of you lot who are novel to Twitter brand the best of this tool. There are also tips too resources for advanced users equally well. Enjoy

10 ways to tap into the sum educational potential of Twitter

1- Create a strong profile page
Your profile is the front end facade people banking venture represent to larn who you lot are. Spend erstwhile working on your profile too write a curt descriptive bio to professionally innovate yourself to your community. Include a photograph of yours too a link of your digital presence elsewhere (blog, website, wiki, about.me page …etc).

2- Separate personal from professional person Twitter accounts
Your professional person learning community practise non demand to know what flick you lot watched concluding nighttime or what you lot had for super today.A skilful proposition is to practise a minute Twitter trouble organisation human relationship for trouble solid unit of measurement members too unopen friends amongst whom you lot tin part your personal trivialities.  Keep your professional person trouble organisation human relationship professional person too tweet relevant too insightful tweets that tin add together value to your learning community.

3- Twitter Etiquette
As teachers too educators, the usage behind using Twitter is to primarily  connect amongst other teachers, too engage inward mutual learning  experiences. In doing too then nosotros construct a community of people that nosotros interact amongst too for this interaction to last effective nosotros demand to abide past times Twitter code of ethics. Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into this visual:

4- Adding friends
Before you lot click that 'follow' button, brand certain you lot conk through some of the tweets of the persons you lot desire to follow. Quickly scan what they induce got been tweeting for the concluding calendar week or calendar month too run across if that relates to your intellectual interests or not. Needless to get upwards reading their bio too checking their digital productions if they induce got any.

5- Use Hashtags
Hashtags are Twitter's learning locomotive. Their usage is to aggregate communities around content. Besides providing helpful resources around a given topic, Hashtags are also skilful for initiating conversations too discussions amongst others. There are forthwith several Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into chat-based hashtags for teachers too educators which you lot tin bring together to induce got business office inward the discussion. You tin also usage hashtags to hold updated almost proceedings of conferences, learning events, PD sessions, too many more. Here is a Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into very skilful guide to deal you lot meliorate sympathise the concept of hashtaging.

6- Understand Twitter lingo

Due to its textual limitation (tweets can't last longer than 140 characters), Tweeters induce got developed a conventional laid of linguistic damage too signs to effectively too interactively  communicate amongst each other. Understanding this linguistic communication is primal to an informed too educative tweeting experience. Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into This visual guide volition innovate you lot to the most pop Twitter lingo .

7- Anatomy of a Tweet
Now that you lot induce got learned almost the dissimilar abbreviations used on Twitter, it's fourth dimension you lot larn almost the dissimilar components making a given tweet. This visual anatomy of a tweet created past times Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into Sandy Kendell does a skilful labor illustrating what the diverse elements making the torso of a tweet.

8- Integrate Twitter inward your instruction 
If you lot are using or  planning to usage Twitter inward your instruction, I would recommend that you lot banking venture represent this handy rubric created past times academy of WisconsinsThis rubric is designed specifically to deal teachers assess students' Twitter usage inward instructional assignments.

9- Ways to usage Twitter to facial expression for educational content
Twitter search tin last a rattling skilful choice to the conventional search engines similar Google, Bing, too Yahoo. The forcefulness of Twitter search lies inward the fact it provides timely relevant too already-curated content. There are 3 effective ways to usage Twitter to facial expression for educational content which Corey Talked almost xi Twitter etiquettes which I converted into this post illustrates to a greater extent than fully.

10- Use Third business office tools
There are several spider web tools that induce got been created specifically for Twitter users. These tools tin deal you lot perform a broad make of activities you lot could non otherwise practise using Twitter alone. Some of these tools tin deal you lot comport effective searches on Twitter, others plough your twitter into a periodical amongst recent tweets equally prominent headlines, too many more. Here are some titles I would suggest:
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