Learn Together With Sentry 3 Powerful Note-Taking Apps For Chromebooks

November 2, 2014
I received a pair of emails bespeak almost app recommendations to role for note-taking on Chromebook. So I decided to line upward this listing as well as portion it alongside all of y'all here. The 3 apps I highly recommend are listed below. I accept come upward across a few other titles but I did non discovery them actually worth sharing here. Have a hold back as well as every bit e'er portion alongside us what y'all mean value of them.

1- Google Keep

Google Keep is an fantabulous tool to role for creating digital gummy notes. You tin role both text as well as images to capture as well as portion your notes.  You tin also role it   to create to-do lists as well as bookmark content from the web.It has an intuitive as well as user friendly interface that makes it agency simpler to navigate as well as command than is the illustration alongside several other note-taking apps out there.

2- Evernote

This is definitely 1 of the must accept apps for taking notes as well as recording ideas. Evernote allows y'all to salve all your notes as well as bookmarks into 1 unmarried house that y'all tin access across unlike devices. You tin also role it to create chore lists as well as to-dos, attach images as well as well to your notes as well as many more.

3- Quick Note

This is only about other wonderful banknote taking app that is specifically designed for lightweight note-taking. There are unlike ways y'all tin role this tool. You tin for instance role it every bit a elementary notepad, scratchpad, or clipboard. Quick Note offers only about skilful features such every bit the might to easily search your notes as well as access them alongside 1 click. You tin also sync all your notes to the cloud as well as access them anywhere.

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