Learn Together With Spotter Three Corking Collaborative Whiteboard Tools For Teachers

July 2, 2014
Below are about bully whiteboard tools for teachers to usage inwards class. These tools allow you lot to draw, sketch, in addition to type on a web-based whiteboard. Some of them similar PixiClip supports concealment sharing. These tools tin sack travel used for a broad diverseness of purposes. They tin sack travel used for collaborative brainstorming, creating diagrams in addition to illustrations, in addition to designing stride past times stride how-to guides.

1- PixiClip

PixiClip is a bully web-based interactive whiteboard amongst huge potential for educational uses. PixiClip allows you lot to easily tape your concealment in addition to portion it amongst others.It provides an online sail on which you lot tin sack type, narrate, draw, sketch, in addition to upload images to mark-up. You tin sack tape the whole procedure of your occur the sail accompanied amongst your voice
2- Sketchlot

This is a web-based whiteboard tool that does non require whatsoever plugin or app installation. Sketchlot is compatible amongst unlike computers in addition to tablets. The bully matter most Sketchlot is that students practise non ask to sign upwardly to usage it. Teachers tin sack add together students to their account.As a instructor whatever drawing, sketch or instance you lot practise on Sketchlot tin sack travel easily shared amongst students either individually or amongst the whole group.

3- Realtime Board

This is about other whiteboard tool for teachers. It allows you lot to host collaborative brainstorming sessions online. You tin sack also usage it to visually illustrate content using drawings, images, videos in addition to texts. There is also the pick to postal service in addition to grade PDFs in addition to add together comments to documents using post-it stickers.

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