Learn Together With Sentinel Instructor Resources For Learning Almost Copyright Together With Fair Use

February 11, 2014
Working amongst digital media materials implicitly entails a tacit noesis most the dissimilar concepts related to copyright together with fair use.  I accept ever insisted through the posts I shared inward the "copyright materials for teachers " department hither in on the importance of teaching our students most how to properly credit sources together with documents they view from Internet.

Of shape copyright literature is huge together with complicated together with is difficult to sympathise it all but having a working rudimentary noesis of what relates to copyright issues inside educational settings is non something to travail over. In this regard, I am sharing amongst you lot  this bully shape entitled "Copyright Crash Course" from University of Texas that outlines inward a really clear together with eloquent linguistic communication the dissimilar things we, every bit teachers together with students, require to know most copyright.

The principal points covered inward this shape are featured below. Click on each championship to access the materials related to it.

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