Learn In Addition To Sentry Metta A Skillful Presentation Tool Integrated Alongside Google Motility In Addition To Edmodo

Metta is an first-class multimedia presentation tool I convey lately discovered through Richard Byrne. Using Metta volition enable yous to practise powerful presentations that embed pictures, texts, vocalism recordings, in addition to fifty-fifty feeds from your Pinterest in addition to Twitter. Another distinctive characteristic  about Metta is that it is integrated amongst Google Drive allowing yous thence to easily salve your presentations to your Drive. Metta is also available on another pop platforms including Edmodo in addition to Schoology.

Here is a listing of some of the prominent features Metta offers to its users :
  • Insert polls; quizzes into your stories, lessons or slides
  • Get actionable insights in addition to runway who, when in addition to where answered your questions
  • Collect videos, images in addition to text wherever you’re browsing the spider web inward a click of a button.
  • Share your Metta Profile amongst your followers in addition to commencement next other storytellers. Build your ain channel.

Here is an representative of what yous tin practise amongst Metta. Click to picket the video

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