Learn Together With Sentry Google Search Tips Poster For Your Class

January 25, 2014
There is much to a greater extent than to efficient Googling than what most of our students know. From the specific gild of the words constituting our search inquiry to the role of search operators, Google provides all kinds of tricks for users to implement inward gild to tap into its total search potential.

I convey of late come upward across an interesting post service shared by LifeHacker inward which they outlined a broad diversity of Google  tips in addition to tricks that students should know about. They convey besides shared this wonderful video which I am sharing amongst y'all below on how to speedily uncovering precisely what y'all are looking for.

Here is a synopsis of the 3 search tips included inward this video:
  1. Be Specific. Find pages inside sites using site:[website URL] in addition to your search phrase, uncovering authors using author:[name], in addition to type intitle:[word] to uncovering a page amongst that give-and-take inward the title.
  2. Format. Use filetype:[jpg or other extension] to uncovering images in addition to all sorts of files (such equally docs in addition to pdfs)
  3. Broaden Your Search. Use an asterisk (*) equally a wildcard search operator to fill upward inward the blanks. For example, "Why coin is *"

Here is a visual summarizing some of of import tips close Google search. I invite y'all to convey a expect in addition to portion amongst your students.

 There is much to a greater extent than to efficient Googling than what most of our students know Learn And Watch Google Search Tips Poster for Your Class soure:http://www.hackcollege.com/

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