Learn Together With Sentry Storehouse Awesome Novel Ipad Digital Storytelling App

February 2, 2014
Storehouse is a wonderful novel iPad app for creating, sharing, as well as discovering novel stories. Students tin role this app to practice beautiful stories to portion amongst others. Storehouse allows them to combine photos, videos as well as text to pattern their stories. They tin easily add together photos as well as videos from their iPad Camera Roll, Dropbox, Flickr, as well as Instagram.

Stories made yesteryear Storehouse are compatible amongst all covert sizes. And if your students are inward need of about inspiration as well as ideas on how to practice their ain stories, they tin browse stories shared yesteryear the community to explore the vast area of creative possibilities acquaint inward others presentations.

When students are done amongst creating their ain stories they tin as well as therefore issue them for friends as well as followers, or portion them yesteryear email, Facebook, or Twitter.

Click on the ikon below to encounter Storehouse inward action.

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