Learn In Addition To Sentry An Amazing Timeline Chronicling The History Of Social Media

Most people intend  that social media started amongst the Facebook as well as Twitter.  Web 2.0 technologies which accept given ascent to such pop  platforms accept definitely played a major business office inwards the popularization of social media amidst ordinary people , even thence , the existent emergence of social media dates dorsum to the 60s of the concluding century. The kickoff was amongst the appearance of CompuServe inwards 1969 as well as thence followed yesteryear the emergence of the electronic mail service inwards 1971... to Pinterest inwards 2010.

The visual below created yesteryear Karim Benyagoub captures about of the major historical developments of social media throughout the years till the acquaint 2d . I invite yous to accept a hold back as well as percentage amongst your colleagues

Hover your mouse over the visual to enlarge it.

Social Media – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 History was designed by Karim Benyagoub (@karim_designs) for Cendrine Marrouat

Check out the total visual from this page.

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