Learn Too Spotter A Novel Awesome Visual On Flipped Classroom

A few days agone I published hither a post featuring a host of interesting video clips explaining the concept of flipped classroom together amongst providing some examples on how others accept been employing it inwards their classrooms. Today, I come upward across this awesome graphic entitled " What Is Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Flipped Classroom " together with idea it mightiness survive a skillful add-on to the flipped learning resources page hither inwards .

Flipped classroom or flipped learning is a methodology, an approach to learning inwards which technology is employed to contrary the traditional business office of classroom time. If inwards the past, classroom fourth dimension is spent at lecturing to students , straightaway inwards a flipped model, this fourth dimension is utilized to encourage individualized learning together with supply one-on-one assistance to students, together with too to meliorate student-teacher interaction. While the instructional or teachable content is silent available inwards class, silent this content is mainly designed inwards such a agency to survive accessed exterior degree which is a groovy agency for struggling students to larn at their ain pace. The stats coming out of some empirical studies are indicating that this flipped model does run together with the graphic below has to a greater extent than to tell near this.

Check it out the amount visual from this page.

Source: Source: www.proprofs.com

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