Love To Bake Give Thank You Lot You In Addition To Forthwith It's Giveaway Time!!!

First in addition to foremost, I desire to give cheers 1 person. Swee San . It was Swee San who messaged me 1 morning, telling me to brin...
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Love To Bake Hakka 11 Ban 客家喜粄 - Kuih Calendar Week #1

Recipe tried out inwards Oct 2010 My first encounter making xiban wasn't every bit expert every bit I hoped, the colour's off in...
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Love To Bake Steamed Cassava In Addition To Sago Kuih - Kuih Calendar Week # 2

Recipe prepared inward September 2010 It’s weird, I can’t discovery this version online. I tried to recreate this from a kuih vendor inw...
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Love To Bake Kuih Tako - Kuih Calendar Week # 3

Recipe recreated inwards September 2011 One of my favourites. If you lot accept an big bush of pandan too don't know how to role it up...
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Love To Bake Dark Sticky Rice Chiffon - Bgr Calendar Week # 1

w Recipe tried out November 2010 Last year, when I went to Homekreation to ogle at her onde-onde pulut hitam made from dark viscid rice ...
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Love To Bake Azuki As Well As Dark Viscid Rice Porridge - Bgr Calendar Week # Two As Well As Novel Winners For Giveaway

Recipe prepared in Dec 2010 During my sec trimester important alongside Reuben, I wanted to drinkable sugariness soups quite often. One e...
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Love To Bake Onde Onde Pulut Hitam Kosong - Bgr Calendar Week #3

Recipe created inwards July 2011 I start saw onde onde kosong on Shirley’s blog . Kosong? Empty? Well, my favourite matter near onde onde ...
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