New Novel England Clam Chowder Dip – Because Bully Soups Brand Fifty-Fifty Ameliorate Dips

Truth live told, this New England Clam Chowder Dip is truly the showtime soup I’ve always turned into a dip, but I nonetheless stand upwardly past times my title. After all, what are soups, if non truly thin, hot dips y'all swallow with a spoon? 

The call for is, piece this may live my showtime soup-to-dip conversion, it’s in all probability non going to live my last. I’m looking at you, Mulligatawny.

I stance I was inventing something novel here, but of course, similar everything else, many people had already given this a go. The funny matter was, every recipe I looked at called for this to live served with sliced bread, which I stance was odd. To me, potatoes are similar the minute or 3rd best share inwards a chowder, together with hence why non serve this with chips?

Besides that, my other big improvement was to upwardly the bacon content. Some recipes called for every bit picayune every bit ii slices. Two slices of bacon? What am I supposed to produce with that? So, I went with iii times every bit much, together with it turned out to live a rattling skillful decision. While quite “bacon forward,” the clam flavor nonetheless came through, together with all inwards all, this truly was rattling chowder-like.

The exclusively semi out-of-the-ordinary share used was a spice blend called, “Old Bay.” This is non rattling difficult to notice inwards the big grocery stores, but only inwards case, here is a link to brand a your own. Besides, fifty-fifty if y'all accept to a greater extent than or less inwards the pantry, it may accept been in that place for quite sometime, together with piece Old Bay industrial plant well, old, Old Bay may not, together with hence it mightiness non live a bad stance to brand a batch anyway.  Either way, I truly produce promise y'all plow over this a cracking hot dip a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for i small-scale casserole dish:
6 slices of bacon, cutting into 1/2-inch pieces
1/2 loving cup chopped greenish onions
1/3 loving cup diced celery
1/2 teaspoon salt, summation to a greater extent than if needed
1 pound cream cheese, room temp
4 ounces white cheddar
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon freshly Blue Planet dark pepper
1/2 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
2 cans (6 1/2 ounces) chopped clams, drained
2 tablespoons freshly chopped Italian parsley
pinch of cayenne for the top
potato chips to serve alongside
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