Love To Bake Dark Vinegar Ribs 排骨醋- Pork Ribs #1

H5N1 dish that I made on impulse.

Initially I wanted to brand sweetness vinegar ribs 糖醋排骨. I bought a bottle of sweetness vinegar too idea of experimenting amongst this. I tasted some, it wasn’t also sour too and thus I daringly used 250ml of it. In the end, the whole dish was sooo dark, I chose to larn out it soupy too tadah… it became this dish

I didn’t fifty-fifty thaw the ribs. I seat the frozen ribs straight into a pot of water, rut it upwards until the meat on the ribs turned opaque too turned it off. Then I tore the pieces apart. Discarded the H2O too proceeded amongst cooking. Quick too easy. While the ribs were simmering inward the vinegar, I went to bathe, came dorsum too reduced the gravy .

I know many similar to potable the gravy of dark vinegar pork trotters, only don’t similar to swallow the trotter because it is fatty. Err… mean value of the positive collagen, don’t mean value of the negative fat! I don’t postulate heed eating trotters, only a trotter is huge! So, yesteryear doing this dish, i tin forcefulness out relish the gustation of dark vinegar pork without the obese issue. If yous wishing to swallow to a greater extent than meat too less bones, travail using pork shin , it’ll gustation fabulous too!

Those in post service labour confinement too detect the trotter non to your preference, does this dish audio similar adept choice to you?

Black Vinegar Pork Ribs
Recipe source: WendyinKK

500gm pork ribs
250ml sweetened dark vinegar 添丁甜醋
ii inches ginger, smashed
50ml low-cal soy sauce
50gm stone sugar

1. Blanch pork ribs on boiling H2O for 1o seconds. Drain the ribs.
2. Put everything into a small-scale pot too add together plenty H2O to comprehend the ribs.
3. Bring it to a boil too on medium depression heat, simmer for thirty minutes, lid on.
4. Remove lid too trim back gravy to desired amount amongst medium heat.

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