Love To Bake Galinha À Africana @ African Chicken 非洲鸡 - Aff Hong Kong Macau 鸡 #1

This month's Asian Food Fest brings yous Hong Kong together with Macau, both pop vacation destinations, that were ane time colonies of the British together with Portuguese. Visit Annie's blog to read the introduction that she wrote.

Galinha à Africana is a chicken dish from Macau, non Africa.
I learnt of this dish via Hong Kong movies during my teens.

Back then, Macau was nether Portuguese dominion together with the Portuguese colonized other countries every bit well. And so, nutrient recipes travels only about together with this ane arrived inward Macau. There is some other type of Galinha à Africana inward Mozambique (a  former Portuguese colony too) together with at that topographic point are differences alongside the version inward Macau. The Mozambique version is really available inward Malaysia nether the construct Nando's.

The version inward Macau is created inward the 1940s past times a chef named Americo Angelo, who worked at a pocket-size hotel called Pousada de Macau. Mr. Angelo was inspired during a trip to ane of the old Portuguese colonies inward Africa. But some believe that this dish was brought to Macau past times the Portuguese soldiers who visited Macau from stations inward Africa such every bit Mozambique. Read to a greater extent than here.

The orginal Macanese African Chicken was a good kept secret, until the decease of Mr Angelo, but old fourth dimension chefs inward their ain way, has their reasons non exceed to anyone their secrets. People tried to recreate, but none got the exact replica. Nowadays, at that topographic point are many versions inward Macau itself. If yous only google, yous tin plough over the sack run into how unlike each plate looks like, some alongside a thick coating of gravy, some swimming inward sparse gravy, some yellowish, some orangey, some reddish.

The sauce

If yous enquire me how this gustation like...the gravy is non spicy.... perhaps my chilli isn't spicy enough. The ingredients audio similar satay sauce, but non quite, masak merah, non quite, the western herbs made it different, together with the Chinese v spice, the rosemary, the bay leaf, makes this dish a genuinely fusioned dish, East, West together with African. I can't quite depict every bit it's quite confusing for my encephalon to process. LOL.

But my wife said  it's good.

Galinha à Africana @ African Chicken 非洲鸡
Mainly adapted from here

half dozen large drumsticks/3 whole thighs (around 900gm) or one-half a large chicken
1 potato, peeled together with cutting according to your preference

1 tsp paprika
1 tsp v spice powder
1 Tbsp finely minced shallots
1 tsp finely minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dark pepper
1 tsp finely minced rosemary (or 1/2 tsp dried rosemary)

Gravy (peeled weight)
80gm shallots
30gm garlic
50gm ruby-red chilli
1 Tbsp paprika
1/2 loving cup grated coconut
1/4 loving cup peanut butter
2 Tbsp ketchup
1 bay leaf
1 chicken bouillon
2 cups water

1. Marinate chicken for a few hours.
2. Coarsely grind shallots, garlic together with chilli (or yous tin plough over the sack finely chop them).
3. In a dry out wok, on medium depression heat, toast grated kokosnoot until fragrant (colour doesn't matter, every bit long every bit  you tin plough over the sack aroma it, thence yous tin plough over the sack stop)
4. Wipe  the wok construct clean together with seat inward 1/4 loving cup of oil. Fry the potatoes until lightly golden together with laid aside. Brown the chicken pieces, no involve  to prepare through. Place chicken onto  a baking dish, inward a unmarried layer
5. Strain the oil. And construct clean the wok. Preheat oven at 180(fan)/200C.
6. Put crude oil into the wok (I role the strained crude oil because it has the chicken fragrance inward it, or yous tin plough over the sack role novel oil). Cook the chilli glue on medium depression oestrus until it turns glossy together with fragrant. Add the residuum of the gravy ingredients  in. Bring it dorsum to a boil together with permit it simmer on medium oestrus for v  minutes. Watch it, don't permit it burn. Season alongside common salt together with pepper if it's needed.
7. Spoon the gravy over the chicken pieces. Cover the dish (with foil, I used Corningware to bake, together with I used the lid) together with bake for  20 minutes.
8. Remove the lid, seat inward the murphy together with bake for  another 10 minutes, lid off.

I really made this iii times, alongside the get-go 2 times, using a recipe from Maria Cordero (Video). My pictures await every bit if they select a crispy crust, but nope. The sauce only dried upwards on the chicken skin, non a combat crispy together with the peel doesn't aroma fragrant. But I'd say, the marinade smelled wonderful. Taste was a combat similar to  sambal chicken that is made without belacan. Urrrghhhh.... it's complex!

It rings a bell but non quite....

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Hong Kong Macau Month
hosted past times Annie of Annielicious Food

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