Love To Bake Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi

Ryan too I convey always, always, ever loved going to Gloria's Little Italy inwards Provo. It's a petty pricey, only when nosotros larn to go, nosotros savour every minute - specially every seize amongst teeth of their mouth-watering gnocchi. Gloria makes them herself - too her hubby Mauro runs the restaurant. If we're lucky, nosotros convey roughly of their heaven-sent gelato on our agency out.

Once again, spell browsing the hunger-inflicting pins on Pinterest, I establish the sentiment of making roughly delicious gnocchi for dinner. I honey using Pinterest to detect novel recipes to crusade each week. I've actually enjoyed the blogs these recipes convey Pb me to. After searching though their websites too falling inwards honey amongst their recipes, I'm hooked yesteryear the end.

This blog is pretty awesome. Russanne provides a uncomplicated too approachable recipe for home-made gnocchi. I tried it out this afternoon for our Lord's Day dinner, too volition convey to throw it into our recipe rotation. As tasty equally the low-cal garlic stone oil mixture I used for the sauce was, I intend we'll crusade it amongst marinara or alfredo sauce. Heck, fifty-fifty mix the two. It lacked a flake of the creaminess I was craving, only the gnocchi itself was oh-so-tasty. 

Here's the ingredients to her recipe. I followed it exactly, without whatever alterations:
(the recipe is my commentary, without pictures, of course)


Ricotta Gnocchi

"15 oz Low Fat Ricotta (Yum. I'm obsessed amongst Ricotta)
1 egg
1 tsp olive oil
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dark pepper
2 cups flour"

Wisk all the ingredients together inwards a bowl - except for the flour. After everything is combined, add together the flour until it forms a dough (again, the dough claw on my Kitchen Aid made these steps super-quick). Roll the dough out inwards petty "snakes" too piece petty gnocchi pieces off amongst a knife/kitchen scissors. Bring a pot of H2O to boil, too hence throw your petty gnocchi pieces inwards the water. Let it boil until the gnocchi floats to the transcend - expect almost a infinitesimal or so, drain them out, add together roughly sauce, sprinkle amongst cheese, too serve 'em up! 


Recipe source: Russanne Kathleen
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