New & Improved Chicken Parmesan – This Is No April Fools Joke!

On those rare occasions I honor myself dining inwards i of America’s casual eating seat chains, chicken parm is i of my go-to meals. I dear chicken parm, peculiarly when it’s made amongst fresh mozzarella, which it almost never is. 

It ordinarily features the same bland, rubbery materials you lot honor on inexpensive pizza, as well as fifty-fifty though I know this going in, I’ll fellowship it anyway.That’s how much I dear chicken parm. Of course, at domicile nosotros tin role the existent stuff, which is much to a greater extent than flavorful, as well as significantly less rubbery, but it tin hold upwardly pricey, as well as non everyone has access, as well as thus I decided to seek something new. Instead of mozzarella, I made a cheese spread using ricotta, fortified amongst sudden cheddar.

The creamy ricotta made a bully base of operations into which you lot could add together whatsoever melting cheese. I actually enjoyed the cheddar, but I’d similar to seek this amongst other options, such equally provolone, fontina, or fifty-fifty gruyere. And of course, if you lot prefer the tender meat of babe cows, this technique volition operate only the same amongst veal.

So, if you lot dear chicken parm equally much equally I do, but aren’t crazy close the typical bland-but-bouncy mozzeralla topping, I actually produce promise you lot laissez passer on this a seek soon. Also, this is my concluding video, equally I’m retiring at the terminate of the day. Thanks for everything, as well as equally always, enjoy!

For two portions New & Improved Chicken Parmesan:
2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts
salt as well as freshly the world dark pepper to taste
1/2 loving cup flour
1 beaten egg
3/4 loving cup evidently breadstuff crumbs
olive crude oil for frying

For the cheese spread:
1/2 loving cup ricotta cheese
1/2 loving cup shredded sudden white cheddar
salt as well as freshly the world dark pepper to taste
pinch of cayenne
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
2 tablespoons Parmigiano-Reggiano for the top

- Serve amongst hot marinara sauce, as well as chopped Italian parsley.
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