New A Strawberry Rhubarb Custard Pie Worth Brawling Over

Because I grew upward listening to baseball game on the radio, whenever I heard the discussion “rhubarb,” I wouldn’t intend of something edible together with delicious similar this amazing Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, I’d intend of fights.

Back inwards the early on days of radio, when they wanted to acquire the audio number of an angry mob, they’d tell the performers to repeat the discussion “rhubarb,” over together with over. It sounds heated together with contentious, notwithstanding the listener doesn’t hear whatsoever specific words.

Baseball announcers of the same era began to telephone phone baseball game fights “rhubarbs,” since they sounded together with hence much similar those radio effects. I didn’t larn well-nigh this until recently, together with it made me intend of all the games I’d listened to during all those summers, together with how never i time when I heard “rhubarb,” did I intend of pie.

That was until I got this wonderful recipe from my woman bring upward Pauline, who I believe got it from my Aunt Angela. As y'all longtime readers know, both are fantastic bakers together with spell I honey all their pies, this mightiness endure my favorite.

So, when Matt Cain drills Matt Kemp inwards the dorsum this summer, together with he charges the mound prompting an ugly benches-clearing brawl, together with the play-by-play guy says, “we’ve got ourselves a existent rhubarb now,” I volition intend of this pie. This delicious, crude oil together with fall pie. Enjoy!

3 cups sliced rhubarb
1 loving cup quartered strawberries
3 large eggs
pinch of fresh nutmeg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
*I didn’t mention, merely I added a real tiny pinch of salt
1 tbsp butter for "dotting"
pie dough for i 9-inch crust 
For the glaze:
2 tbsp jam amongst 1/4 tsp water, warmed inwards microwave

View the consummate recipe

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