Love To Bake Chocolate Plume Bed For My Bil - Birthday Calendar Week #2

The 2nd cake of the week. Yes, I made iii birthday cakes within half dozen days. Lydia's 2nd cake volition move posted on Friday. I'm finding fourth dimension to larn the pictures done. Not slowly to crush time. Which is why my posts are rarely two weeks fresh. :p

I made this cake for my ane too alone BIL, Mike's younger blood brother Nic. He likes cream cakes, too final twelvemonth I made him a non too so successful Chocolate Banana Cake. His birthday too Lydia's is merely iii days apart :)

I've been eyeing this recipe from Rose's Heavenly Cakes  I made this cake for my ane too alone BIL Love to Bake Chocolate Feather Bed for my BIL - Birthday Week #2for a long long time. It's a flourless cake that is supposed to gustation pretty low-cal inwards texture, non inwards flavour. It is intensely chocolatey. I didn't fifty-fifty role the type of chocolate stated equally I create non cause got that inwards hand. I alone cause got the regular black chemical compound choc. And it already tasted delicious. Wonder how it would move amongst a skilful choc. Super dee duper skilful I guess.

I halved her recipe too got myself a overnice 8-servings cake, well-nigh the size of 5X7inches about two inches inwards height(without curls). I chose her 2nd method to brand the filling equally I constitute the straight beating of ganache leaves me amongst non much extra filling compared to unwhipped, except that it feels lighter. When I trounce the cream separately, the majority of the filling is more, making it fifty-fifty lighter inwards texture. My cake looks dense... hmmm..maybe it's due to me roofing it amongst a tray instead of a towel (condensation of vapour thence condensing of cake :p), but it even too so gustation absolutely light. It's flourless!!!!

Everybody loved it too I am already thinking of ways to impart this technique to brand other flavours too filling. It's very slowly to do, provided you know the basic techniques similar folding, whipping whites too whipping dairy cream.

Chocolate Feather Bed
Recipe source: Rose's Heavenly Cakes I made this cake for my ane too alone BIL Love to Bake Chocolate Feather Bed for my BIL - Birthday Week #2 
Instructions rewritten based on my experience

113gm black chocolate (53-62% preferred, but I used Beryl’s Dark Compound Chocolate)
50 +25gm caster sugar
180gm egg whites (from v Grade H5N1 eggs, recipe says half dozen large eggs, but our Grade H5N1 eggs are 65gm each, non 55gm)
112gm egg yolks (from v Grade H5N1 eggs, smaller eggs volition postulate to a greater extent than eggs to hit 112gm)
¾ tsp cream of tartar

1. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180 too fully business a 17X12 inch baking pan (the pan that comes amongst your built inwards oven). Make certain you lot cause got overlaps too so that you lot tin elevator the cake out easily. (I prefer doing this pace after preparing the yolks equally my oven alone takes half dozen minutes to preheat)
2. Melt chocolate. Stir too laid aside to cool equally you lot gear upwards the egg yolks(step 3). Let it plow warm to affect but even too so fluid.
3. Beat yolks amongst 50gm carbohydrate on high speed for v mins until pale too fluffy. Scrape inwards the melted chocolate too trounce on medium speed until good incorporated. Scrape the sides equally needed.
4. In some other construct clean bowl, trounce egg whites until frothy. Put inwards cream of tartar too trounce until soft peaks. Gradually trounce inwards the 25gm carbohydrate too trounce the whites until stiff.
5. Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Pour the lightened chocolate mixture dorsum into the whites too gently crease until incorporated.
6. Pour batter into pan too grade surface.
7. Bake for xvi minutes (yes I did that just equally per the book) on the lower third of the oven. Cake is done when it has lost its shine too springs dorsum when lightly pressed.
8. Place baked cake on wire rack to cool too house a towel over it to forestall it from drying out. (I used some other tray, no large towel :p)
9. When cake has totally cooled, snip cake into four pieces (with newspaper even too so underneath, create non peel) too stack on overstep of each other. Place stacked cake into a container (I used Tupperware) too chill for 12 hours. (I chilled overnight)

Light Whipped Ganache Filling
113gm black chocolate (53-62% preferred, but I used Beryl’s Dark Compound Chocolate)
58 + 174gm whipping cream
½ tsp vanilla extract
Dark chocolate curls for decoration

1. Place mixing bowl inwards freezer (if you’re using ceramic or drinking glass bowl. But if you lot are using stainless steel, skip this pace too trounce the cream afterward over a H2O ice waterbath)
2. Place black choc amongst 58gm whipping cream inwards a microwavable container too zap on high, stirring every 10 seconds to run across if it’s melted. Or you lot house the container over some hot H2O to melt the chocolate inwards cream. Make certain the chocolate has fully melted inwards the cream too allow it cool down, but even too so fluid.
3. Remove bowl from freezer too trounce whipping cream until traces of beater marks shows distinctly. Scrape inwards the chocolate mixture too vanilla too trounce until cream mounds softly (like whipped cream). Be careful of over whipping, or else the cream turns grainy. Use the cream immediately

1. Remove cake layers from fridge.
2. Put a fleck of the cream onto cake board/plate (the pocket-sized fleck of cream acts similar gum to the plate/board)
3. Take ane layer of cake, too tegument off the lining newspaper too house ane slice of cake onto the board
4. Spread ¼ of the cream onto the cake.
5. Peel some other layer of cake too house it on overstep of the 1st layer. Spread some other ¼ of the cream on top. Repeat until finish.
6. Sprinkle chocolate curls on overstep equally decoration.
7. Chill cake thoroughly ane time again too cut down the sides to larn a polish bare sided cake to demo off the layers.

The sides of the whole cake may non await equally pretty equally it is within equally I tried to cut down off equally niggling equally I could. The sides of the baked cake sail are taller than the insides, too so unless you lot cut down off at to the lowest degree ane inch off the sides of the assembled cake, you lot won't larn it overnice similar what you lot run across from the cutting upwards pics.

Here's Lyanne cleaning upwards my beaters after preparing the filling. She licked them too so clean! Saved me dish detergent money. LOL.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: