Love To Bake Mee Racun @ Poisonous Noodles Of Batu Pahat - Mff Johor #4

What a name!
Dare to eat?

It's named equally such because it is said to hold upward addictive. It won't crusade fatalities. LOL
This noodle is a spin-off from the famous Muar Bandung Noodle, but it uses lamb shank instead of chicken together with seafood.

My dinner

I didn't intend much almost cooking this, until my reader Aishah posted a film of Mee Racun that her dad cooked. It was totally salivating! Much to a greater extent than than what I encounter cooked past times the hawkers. I was totally poisoned past times her film together with and hence the next calendar week I made it

Annie of Annielicious Food asked me if this noodle is actually that addictive? Hmmm.... My wife asked me to build sell this noodle. Well, you lot see, he is a mutton/lamb nut. The flavours are all his favourites, Spicy but sweetness at the same time, together with served alongside his favourite yellowish noodles. I'd say, it depends on your preference. It's delicious alright, but i am non addicted. Because I can't swallow sweetish savoury nutrient also often.

Mee Racun
Recipe reference: Yanis Kitchen  

400-500gm lamb shank
1 toe sized ginger (25gm), bashed
½ tsp whole dark peppercorns, cracked
3L water

Chilli paste
10 dried chillies
five shallots
iii clove garlic

150gm ketchup (I used Kimball brand)
150gm chilli sauce (I used Life brand)
ii tsp salt
1.5 Tbsp saccharide (or to taste)
½ tsp white pepper
¾ loving cup oil
500gm yellowish noodles, blanched

Few stalks of Indian mustard, blanched
Few pieces of napa cabbage, blanched
1 egg, whisked for minute
1 potato

1. Prepare broth. Bring H2O to boil together with seat inwards everything. Bring dorsum to a boil together with lower to a simmer for iii hours.
2. Peel potatoes together with while into 5mm thickness. Stack the spud slices together with cutting into quarters.
3. Crack egg into bowl together with whisk it for 1 infinitesimal until frothy.
4. Heat 3/4 loving cup crude inwards wok or pan.
5. Fry the spud slices until golden. Dish upward together with drain.
6. Pour one-half the egg into the crude together with it volition puff up. Fry until golden together with repeat alongside the residuum of egg. Cut eggs into seize alongside teeth sized pieces.
7. With the residuum of oil, sauté the chilli glue until it turns glossy. Pour the chili glue into the broth pot. Put inwards seasonings together with convey it dorsum to a boil. Taste together with conform alongside to a greater extent than seasonings if needed.
8. Turn off the rut together with serve alongside blanched yellowish noodles together with the other condiments

His dinner

His supper

My supper

If you lot notice, the meat turns darker together with darker, the longer the gravy is kept. It is indeed to a greater extent than delicious this way. So, if you lot can, become far inwards advance together with cash inwards one's chips on it for a few hours earlier repast time.

Bon apetit!

I am submitting this to Annie of Annielicious Food

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