Love To Bake Steamed Arrowhead Amongst Waxed Duck 腊鸭蒸慈菇- Arrowhead Week#1

3 years back, when I did my arrowhead chips post, I did country I desire to create a few recipes using Arrowheads.
Finally I did it this twelvemonth :) I'm a deadening blogger, LOL. Very slow.

This is a dish introduced to me yesteryear my “ three Kow Mou”, the married adult woman of my mother’s third brother. That's how nosotros telephone band them inward Cantonese.

Each year, nosotros volition last dorsum to my maternal grandparents abode for every start twenty-four hours of Chinese New Year's Day in addition to it was the twenty-four hours I e'er await forrard to each year. Because on this day, I volition last similar a dog, complimentary from the leash. LOL. I could simply larn anywhere amongst my cousins, my mom won’t ask, won’t nag. I could play sparklers all twenty-four hours long, complete my angpow coin buying to a greater extent than sparklers in addition to mom won’t country a word. LOL. And all the sparklers volition solely last played at my maternal grandparents home. Once I larn home…. That volition last history until adjacent twelvemonth CNY. But that was solely when I was yet a child.

After my dad passed away, nosotros no longer went dorsum for Chinese New Year. My mom doesn’t drive, in addition to my mom is likewise distraught to travel, fearing questions in addition to of her ain teary response. It was until few years afterward that nosotros went dorsum again… but I was no longer the kid I 1 time was. No sparklers in addition to no running or thence similar a complimentary canine. But 1 matter I genuinely looked forrard to was the dinner. I honey to swallow the things that my kow mous fix (I convey 8!)

For dinner that day, my three Kow Mou made this dish that made me swallow in addition to swallow in addition to eat. Taking 1 spell after another, trying to approximate what it was. I totally had no idea, but yet it was good. (My brothers were indifferent to it) It tasted crunchy, but yet a fight floury similar potatoes, but tasted improve than those spuds. Subtly sweet, naturally, in addition to non sugary sweet. I had no sentiment what was I eating in addition to I was genuinely shocked when told it was arrowheads. I solely ate arrowhead chips before, but never, never inward a savoury dish.

Last fourth dimension when I tried to replicate this, the waxed duck was rather smelly. I bought a duck leg in addition to didn’t know how to bargain amongst it. So I simply chopped it in addition to topped it over the arrowheads in addition to steamed. My ex Bf ate all the arrowheads in addition to said it was real good, but didn’t touching on the waxed duck. So didn’t I. Down the waste matter bin they all went. Wasted right?

This fourth dimension I called my mom earlier I attempted this again, but amongst a waxed duck thorax every bit it should last easier to handle. Mom said, rinse it amongst boiling water, if non it’ll aroma waxy. Ah-Ha! And truthful enough, it didn’t aroma waxy after that. My MIL was also surprised that it genuinely tasted skilful amongst no unpleasant aroma (she dislikes the waxy aroma too). My hubby walloped all the waxed duck slices but barely touched the arrowheads. Saying they were bland in addition to tasted funny. So, this dish is pretty much subjective. My MIL in addition to I loved this, but was non good received yesteryear my hubby in addition to BIL. Both men said the arrowheads tasted weird. Maybe they were confused amongst the crunchy but yet floury oral cavity feel.

Steamed Arrowhead amongst Waxed Duck
Recipe by: WendyinKK
Tasted in addition to recreated from : My 3kowmou

400gm arrowheads
1 pc one-half waxed duck breast
½ tsp sugar
Dash of pepper
three tbsp water

1. Place duck inward a deep bowl/basin. Pour boiling H2O over waxed duck. Let it sit down for 1 minute. Remove from hot H2O in addition to permit it cool down.
2. Peel in addition to spell arrowheads into thick slices. Arrange on a deep steaming plate.
3. Slice waxed duck thorax into sparse slices. Arrange on top of sliced arrowheads
4. Sprinkle saccharide in addition to pepper over the sliced duck.
5. If steaming on a wok/steamer, position inward water. (If rice cooker thence no demand to position water)
6. Steam on for xv minutes on medium heat.

I am submitting this postal service to Chinese New Year's Day Delights 2013 hosted yesteryear Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

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