Love To Bake Ikan Gerang Asam, Nyonya Tamarind Fish - Mff Melaka #1

My start submission to
Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka Month. Being the organizer, I am commited to submit minimal iii entries per month. For Melaka, I guide maintain prepared 4. Come together with bring together us, it's non solely for bloggers. Have around fun recreating something inward your ain kitchen. Have around "Melaka" at habitation :)

One of my favourite ways to eat fish is alongside asam sauce. There are a few types of asam pedas. The method that I usually laid upward it, is using Johor's method. I solely works life out it's Johor's method later on doing around reading upward regarding asam pedas for this event. Northern states similar Kedah together with Perlis, employs a slightly dissimilar method to laid upward it compared to the southern states.

Gerang asam is a nyonya dish. One tin purpose either mackerel or sting ray, according to Florence Tan. Now, I'm non certain if gerang asam is around other type of asam pedas, but it certain is asam (sour) together with pedas (spicy). The sense of savour is somewhat rather different, I find. Maybe due to the kaffir lime leafage together with the purpose of galangal for the gravy, something non used inward other state's asam pedas. The odor is only different, inward a expert way. I don't heed cooking this in i trial again together with again.

My MIL idea that mackerel usually has a coarse texture together with meat is likewise theatre when cooked this way. Maybe because I used depression rut to laid upward the fish for a brusk menses of time, the fish all the same tasted sweetness together with tender. Even my sour-hating wife enjoyed this dish a lot. Thanks to Florence for this recipe.

Ikan Gerang Asam
Original Recipe Source: Florence Tan
As Seen on: Anna’s Cooking Recipes
Ingredients halved together with method paraphrased past times WendyinKK

450gm mackerel (tenggiri)
38gm tamarind pulp + 380ml water
10 immature okra, trimmed
2 pcs kaffir lime leafage (original was 1)
six Tbsp crude (I used 80ml=4 chinese soup spoon)

Grind to a paste
10 dried chilli (10gm), withdraw the seeds together with soak for 10 mins.
9pcs shallots (100gm)
1 large clove garlic (7gm)
2½ candle nut
¼ inch turmeric root (I used 5gm, cleaned weight)
½ inch galangal (I used 10gm cleaned weight)
2 lemongrass (4 inches from the base)
¾ tsp dried shrimp glue (belacan, I used 5gm)

1/3 tsp tabular array salt (depends on total of gravy)
2 tsp sugar

1. Prepare the spice paste. Rub tamarind pulp inward H2O together with strain the water, discard the seeds.
2. Heat wok on medium heat, seat inward crude together with thence the spice paste. Fry it for a piece together with lower the rut to medium depression together with nestling until the spice glue looks glossy (takes a few minutes), together with reddish crude seems to ooze out.
3. Put inward tamarind H2O together with pick out to a boil. Lower to a simmer for four minutes. Taste, add together seasonings together with suit if needed.
4. Put inward fish together with kaffir lime leafage (still on depression heat). Simmer for 2-3 minutes . Don’t deed the fish unnecessarily.
5. Flip the fish together with seat inward okra, simmer for around other 2 minutes. Turn off the rut together with dish up.
 left: raw ingredients, right: prepared together with ready to cook

I tried to follow the master recipe every bit closely every bit possible, but I intend in that place mightiness move a typing error. The tabular array salt together with saccharide total was switched betwixt the two. 2.5 tsp of tabular array salt is H5N1 LOT, considering the presense of salty belacan, piece 1/2 tsp saccharide seems likewise petty to repose out the tangy gravy. The total I used was 1/3 tsp tabular array salt together with 2 tsp sugar. It certain does await switched inward the master recipe, but thence again, it could move a affair of sense of savour together with personal preference.

I am submitting this to Cindy of Yummy Little Cooks

Check out these recipes on the following days
Thursday: Pang Susi
Friday: Durian Cendol
Sunday: Roti John
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