Love To Bake 1 Bowl Blackberry Cake - Berry Calendar Week #4

I’ve seen blackberries finally yr together with they were super expensive, similar nearly RM25 per punnet. And few weeks dorsum (the fourth dimension I wrote this post) I saw them at Jaya Grocer for RM15.90. I exactly got to purchase them!!!
I came back, kept them inwards the fridge, I had no fourth dimension to brand anything equally Christmas was unopen to the corner together with Lyanne’s birthday was presently to come upward too (that time).

After everything passed, I finally could larn my hands on the blackberries. I used a few for the pizza cake together with the residuum I made them into this cake.
I didn’t bring milk together with lemon, but hence I idea of the apple tree juice I bring inwards the fridge. Haha, could purpose that instead to substitute the acidic component subdivision of the recipe. And I also reduced the saccharide equally I flora 2/3 loving cup addition extra for sprinkling to endure a fleck besides much, plus, right away I’m using apple tree juice, hence ameliorate reduce, non the green 30% for American recipes, but more.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 uncomplicated ane bowl cake, Lydia’s outset cake. She helped amongst the stirring together with putting inwards the blackberries. That daughter pose her finger into the batter bowl together with licked it. “Yucky, I don’t similar this!”
Haha, I told her, it’s non cooked yet. Wait til it’s out from the oven, hence you lot say me it’s yucky.

Kids : )

One Bowl Blackberry Cake
Recipe Source : Espresso together with Cream

135gm cake flour
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp sodium bicarbonate
80gm saccharide + 20gm saccharide for sprinkling (reduced from 2/3 cups(135gm) +extra for sprinkling)
125ml unsweetened apple tree juice (substituted the milk together with lemon juice inwards master copy recipe)
55gm melted butter
1 egg
1 loving cup dark berries (I used less than ane punnet)

1. Preheat oven at 170(fan)/190C. Line the base of operations of a ix or 10 inch shallow pan. (I used 10)
2. Sift flour, baking pulverization together with sodium bicarb into a mixing bowl. Mix inwards 80gm sugar.
3. Make a good together with pour inwards apple tree juice, melted butter together with egg. Mix until combined.
4. Pour batter into lined pan together with adapt blackberries(I cutting each into half) onto cake.
5. Sprinkle saccharide over batter
6. Bake cake for xx minutes (the baked cake is entirely nearly 1.5cm tall when cooled down)

The instant Lyanne saw the cake, she yelled “Pizza!!”. Hahaha, she didn’t give the same reaction when she saw her birthday “Pizza Cake”. I wished she said the same when she saw her birthday cake. Ok, nearly the taste, exactly divine. It may endure thin, but it’s non dry. Soft together with fluffy together with the sugary crust was exactly delicious. Best eaten warm hence that the sugary crust remains crunchy. When I brought this cake downward to Mike’s office, people looked at it, hollo for me whether it’s sweet, due to the await of it, but when they all tasted it, they said, non sweet, together with it’s exactly prissy together with rattling yummy.

If you lot cannot discovery blackberries, experience gratuitous to purpose other berries. But don't forget to alter the refer to lucifer the cake.

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers March 2011 Fruity March
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