Love To Bake Malay Fashion Stir Fried Chayote Shoots Alongside Dried Anchovies

I’ve seen on Sonia’s blog, she cooked this. And it has been long since I’ve eaten this.
I tin easily larn Chayote shoots at Ipoh’s Jusco, dissimilar inwards Klang Valley where it is difficult to find.
Oh, if you lot intend these are the same every bit pumpkin shoots, no they are not. In Chinese, these are called 龙须菜 ("loong sou choy" inwards Cantonese)

Now, permit me nation you lot the difference,
Pumpkin shoots are hairy in addition to big, whereas chayote leaves are smaller in addition to smooth.
Chayote shoots gustation better, if you lot inquire me, I’ve eaten pumpkin shoots countless times cos our Malay friends similar to lay inwards pumpkin leaves when they attain their pumpkin inwards kokosnoot milk (labu masak lemak).

So, how does i fix these?
Soak chayote shoots inwards build clean H2O for 10 minutes in addition to milk tremble off the water. Just pluck two inch segments starting from the transcend (pluck the tendrils to suitable lengths) until it feels tough. You volition know if it’s tough if it needs extra endeavor to pluck. Discard the petroleum bits. Do non launder the plucked vegetables later on this. No thing what vegetables they are, launder earlier you lot cutting or pluck in addition to non after, then that you lot volition non launder away the nutrients.

So, here’s my rendition of stir fried chayote leaves , done inwards Malay mode of stir fry.

Malay Style Stir Fried Chayote Shoots amongst Dried Anchovies
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired past times Sonia in addition to my Malay friends
500gm chayote shoots
1 cerise chilli
½ onion, sliced
two cloves garlic, peeled in addition to lightly smashed, or but piece it
two Tbsp dried anchovies (ikan bilis), rinsed
1 loving cup water
½ tsp salt

1. Heat wok in addition to lay inwards two Tbsp cooking oil. Put inwards garlic in addition to sliced onions in addition to attain until garlic is slightly golden in addition to fragrant.
2. Put inwards chilli in addition to dried anchovies. Fry for a piece until the anchovies odour good.
3. Put inwards chayote leaves in addition to toss. When the chayote leaves await slightly wilted, lay inwards water.
4. Cook for 1-2 minutes in addition to flavour amongst salt. Dish up.
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