Love To Bake Steamed Banana Buns - Steamed Buns # 1

I love these buns. When they were steaming, they smelled then good. But Mike hated it. Mike exclusively likes Sweet Potato Buns. He fifty-fifty hates my kids’ favourite glorious pumpkin buns. He said this odour similar our kids’ s***

Remember my banana dearest bread, yeah the Jamie Oliver banana bread, that is a truthful bread. It wasn’t that nice. It was tough. After a few years of baking, I’ve come upwards to know that, when the ingredients are every bit good acidic, it tends to crusade the texture to live on dry. Just similar my experiment amongst roselle to create Red Velvet Cake. One of my friend tried making a banana cake next a pop baking majority inwards Chinese as well as when I tasted it, it was dry out as well as crumbly. I asked her whether she used baking pulverisation or baking soda, as well as to my confirmation, it was baking powder. All things made amongst banana should ever live on neutralized amongst baking soda, if not, the results are ever less than desirable.

And then for this steamed banana buns, I tried neutralizing the acidity of the banana past times mixing amongst some baking soda inwards advance. You volition run into some rattling mild frothing occurring, every bit inwards like… the mixture looking slightly whitish. Yeast has ever preferred an acidic environment, then I didn’t desire the baking soda to intervene amongst the yeast’s reaction as well as allow the reaction live on completed earlier it is used. But bananas are far every bit good acidic for baking on its own. If non Jamie’s banana bread would’ve been good. Haha.

And I guess I did the correct thing. The steamed bun is genuinely soft as well as fluffy. The fragrance is non every bit potent every bit baked banana goods, only it’s nonetheless overnice for me. My girls love it too, then who cares nigh the man, Hahaha!
I used exclusively ii Tbsp of saccharide for the dough, of which I produce discovery a fleck bland for a obviously bun or mantou. Add to a greater extent than if you lot similar your buns sweeter, only some volition discovery this to live on sufficient. The type of banana that you lot utilisation volition also create upwards one's heed how much saccharide to add. I’m certain pisang berangan volition live on sweeter, as well as Cavendish powerfulness live on moister. Rastali is errrr…. non then favourable, I’d say. So, if the dough is every bit good wet, add together inwards 1-2 Tbsp extra flour or if it’s every bit good dry, as well as 1-2 Tbsp to a greater extent than milk. It’s difficult to estimate due to the deviation inwards the banana’s diversity as well as score of ripeness. You volition convey to live on your ain judge.

I also prefer mashing the banana amongst a fork, then that the “veins” tin post away live on seen. If you lot blitz the banana, chances are, you lot won’t live on able to run into those brownish streaks of which are then “bananaish”.

Steamed Banana Buns
Recipe source: Wendyywy

300gm banana (I used local variety, Pisang emas)
½ tsp baking soda
500gm pau flour (can substitute amongst all role flour)
½ tsp salt
½ Tbsp baking powder
ii Tbsp saccharide or to a greater extent than if you lot similar it sweeter
70ml warm milk
1 sachet instant yeast (11gm)
50gm softened butter

1. Mash banana amongst a fork as well as mix amongst baking soda. Let it remainder for 1 hr at least. (I rested it for 4hours, because I was busy, only I checked it afterwards 1 hr as well as the reaction has already stopped)
2. Dissolve yeast inwards milk. Set aside for v minutes. Mix amongst rested bananas.
3. Mix pau flour amongst salt, baking pulverisation as well as sugar. Make a good inwards the center.
4. Pour banana mixture into the good as well as mix. Knead until everything looks good incorporated.
5. Add inwards softened butter as well as knead until a polish slice of dough is achieved.
6. Cover as well as allow dough rising for 1 hr or until doubled.
7. Punch downwards as well as knead for a while.
8. Separate dough into xx pieces. Each slice should live on around 50gm each.
9. Let dough remainder for 10 minutes.
10. Shape dough balls every bit preferred (This method is shown here) and position them on a slice of flattened muffin liner or paper.
11. Let shaped dough rising for some other 50 minutes or until doubled. Make certain bun dough is non exposed to air (I similar to proof my breadstuff as well as buns inwards the oven, mutual depression temperature oven of course)
12. Prepare your steamer as well as steam buns for 12 minutes on high heat

Video on how to shape the buns
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