Love To Bake Batik Cake Or Hedgehog Slice

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cake requested past times my woman raise inward law. The solely cake ever requested.

Each fourth dimension she come upwardly dorsum from US, she’ll verbalize virtually this marie biscuit cake, filled amongst to a greater extent than or less Milo fudgy sauce. I had no persuasion what it was, too I searched on the internet. Actually ii years ago, I already flora out that the cake was called Batik Cake, but I never made it. Until this fourth dimension that she came back.

I finally made it. It's the ane of the few materials I made since she came dorsum in conclusion November 2009, yeah it's to a greater extent than than one-half a twelvemonth since I made this. As yous tin run across those natural lighting photography was too hence bad, definately it was from ages ago

There are many versions on the internet, too I flora that, to a greater extent than or less made it amongst eggs, to a greater extent than or less without. To me, amongst eggs should sense of savor better. Some role cocoa, to a greater extent than or less don’t. Well, I tin jack upwardly the Milo too condensed milk content too create away amongst the cocoa powder, extra saccharide too extra water. Well, I merely don’t similar to piece of occupation along one-half opened upwardly materials every bit much every bit possible. So, to role upwardly everything inward ane endeavour has ever been my preference.

And I every bit good flora out that it is called Hedgehog Slice inward Australia. Maybe to a greater extent than or less Malaysians ciplak(pirated) it too gave it a local name, batik cake. You know la, delight view Petaling Street.

The condensed milk u run across here, is Full Cream Condensed Milk, bought past times Lydia’s nanny from Singapore.

You may substitute amongst the local sweetened creamer.

So, hither are the ingredients
1 pack 250gm Marie biscuits (I got mini maries, u tin role regular maries)
1 pack 200gm Milo , or u tin role whatever malted chocolate drinkable similar Ovaltine or Vico
1 tin 397gm Sweetended Condensed Milk
iv large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
150gm butter, virtually 2/3 cup

What I did was,
1. Prepare ane seven inch foursquare pan. Fully lined amongst non stick baking paper. Make certain the newspaper is much higher than the pan.
2. Lightly compaction eggs. Put inward Milo, too condensed milk too whisk until good combined.
3. Pour egg mixture into a non stick pot/pan , seat inward butter. On medium depression heat, create spell stirring all the spell until mixture starts to thickens. Reduce to depression heat.
4. When the egg custard is cooked, it looks grainy too thick. Remove from heat.
5. Spread ane layer of custard into the pan. Arrange marie biscuits onto custard.
6. Repeat footstep v until all biscuits or custard are used up. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sparse layer of custard is plenty for the interlayers.
7. When the layering is all done, plication inward the high collars of the paper. Press downward too compact the cake amongst ur hands.
8. Chill inward refrigerator overnight earlier cutting.

Well, at kickoff she said, it was it. But every bit she ate on..she said, non quite similar it. The ane she ate years agone was softer. The biscuits were softer, no biscuit experience at all, it's homogenous. Well, I've never eaten this earlier too hence I didn't non know how to gauge.

Hmmm... ok, adjacent fourth dimension I know what to do. I'll role evaporated milk instead too hence that at that topographic point volition live on to a greater extent than liquid.

 Target has coupons for baking supplies.

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