Love To Bake Floor Crackers 飞机饼

When I was a kid, the grocery stores accept these large rectangular tins of biscuits where u tin purchase equally piffling equally u prefer, fifty-fifty 10 sen biscuits also can. So, beingness kids, nosotros volition e'er purchase 10 or 20sen, swallow upwardly too that’s it. Now I don’t mean value they’d fifty-fifty sell 50sen worth of biscuits.

My favourite biscuit was the crimson airplane crackers. They were actually spicy then, but equally I grew up, the spiciness seemed to accept gone.. Hey, it’s non me growing upwardly too having my “Heat tolerance level” gone upscale, but actually the “ummph” somehow was lost. The glaze on the biscuit was also non equally tasty, non equally sweet, non equally salty… basically, cutting curt of everything except the price. Miss them.. don’t ya?

On my last trip to KL, I saw these cookie cutters inwards Daiso, The Curve too wow!!! First affair that came to my mind!! Aeroplane crackers!! So, this fourth dimension I tried making it.

Frankly, the cracker base of operations tasted great, piffling flake similar Jacob Cream Cracker, only that it has around cookie experience to it, too to a greater extent than buttery. Overall, good. The glaze is somewhat less pronounced, gustation too looks. I’m wondering how much nutrient colouring the biscuit factories pose in, mine is no where close red. And Life build chili sauce is oh therefore so mild, no ummph here. If u similar it to breathe burn downwardly alongside the cracker, possibly u tin endeavor using a hotter chili sauce or add together inwards chili powder. But the chili sauce affair is correct. Gives a flake of sweetness too rattling slight feel of stickiness.

I adapted the cracker base of operations from this site too this">site. Mix mix a bit.

The dough is slow to function with, doesn’t seep oil, doesn’t crack, slow to cutting too slow to make.

Cracker recipe
150gm cake/superfine flour
½ tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
25gm mutual coldness butter
1/3 loving cup cream (I used whipping cream)

Sift flour too baking pulverization together. Put inwards salt. Put inwards mutual coldness butter too rub onto flour until the flour resembles breadcrumbs. Put inwards one-half the cream, too moisten the flour crumbs. Add to a greater extent than cream gradually into the crumbs until a dough tin live formed. That’s it, stop. Do non knead likewise difficult or likewise long.
Roll out dough equally sparse equally u can, too cutting alongside cookie cutter or a pizza cutter. Use a fork to build holes on crackers. Apply glaze too bake inwards a preheated oven at 200C for 10 mins.
(I rolled my dough nigh 2-3mm thickness, too since my oven is a convection oven, I entirely used 180C)

Chili Glaze
ii Tbsp Chili sauce
1/5 chicken stock cube, or u may substitute alongside ½ tsp chicken stock powder

Combine both ingredients too purpose it to glaze raw crackers earlier baking.

Oh yeah Shirley, this is non the cracker that I mentioned inwards your cheese biscuit ship service :) That volition live posted later
I yet accept a long queue of posts :)
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