Love To Bake Fried Eggplant Amongst Soy Sauce

 They exude a flavor non other tin give the sack supplant Love to Bake Fried Eggplant amongst Soy Sauce
 They exude a flavor non other tin give the sack supplant Love to Bake Fried Eggplant amongst Soy Sauce

Eggplants or aubergines ... They exude a flavor non other tin give the sack replace.
The peel is a major hold upward of the flavour, w/o it, the fragrance is much much milder.

My grandaunt did non similar to consume much of this "fruit", every bit she believes that it blurs the vision. Well, she couldn't jeopardy her precipitous vision that could all the same thread a needle at the historic menses of 90. I don't intend it blurs the eyes...I honey it every bit good much to believe it.

This is but a really elementary means of cooking it, taught to me past times my Big Kucheh, my father's eldest younger sis. Slowly pan frying it until it turns golden brown... in addition to drizzle it amongst non in addition to thence salty soy sauce. Simple, but yet, really very nice.

Elaboration: What I did was, I washed the eggplant, sliced it into 1cm thick pieces. Heat a wok/pan in addition to pose inwards roughly oil. Slide a few eggplant pieces in. If using a wok, the egg plants volition automatically fill upward up the view in addition to soak upward close of the oil. Just force them aside in addition to pose inwards more. So that the starting fourth dimension few pieces volition unloose the fossil oil in addition to permit it current downward to the subsequently pieces that is directly inwards the centre. U accept to lightly press them amongst ur spatula from fourth dimension to time. Flip the eggplants i when side is golden. I house an oily spell over a non in addition to thence oily spell in addition to tap the oily spell to unloose the fossil oil onto the non oily piece. This way, I don't utilization in addition to thence much oil. These eggplants are fossil oil suckers.
When all the egg plants are fried in addition to golden, dish upward in addition to lightly drizzle amongst non in addition to thence salty soy sauce.

 They exude a flavor non other tin give the sack supplant Love to Bake Fried Eggplant amongst Soy Sauce

*variation: U tin give the sack smother them amongst miso glue every bit good instead of soy sauce :)

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