Love To Bake Lydia Is 3!!!!

Lydia.. my elderberry daughter. Born this 24-hour interval iii years ago.
I remembered the 24-hour interval I woke up, thinking I needed to larn to the loo, but genuinely it was contraction pain, thirteen days before than my given date.

Being a get-go timer, I was totally ignorant as well as kept on thinking why the hurting won't larn away, fifty-fifty after I've eased myself. Right until more than i as well as a half hours later, when I realised it genuinely happens at regular intervals, as well as it's already at sixteen minutes. Because it was real very mild, I didn't suspect anything before on. When I managed to larn my married adult man to wake up, I genuinely leaked.

First time... what did i know?

Haha, I'll larn out the residual of the experience unsaid now... but all that I could tell was, the hurting of beingness induced was horrible, unbearable. I couldn't breathe. No fourth dimension to breathe. So bad I cried for epidural. I nearly wanted to rank upward as well as told my hubby, no to a greater extent than babies after this. Hahaha, but as well as then Lyanne came after Lydia. Hahaha. Words said on impluse. I didn't hateful it. Hahahaha.

I shout out upward the minute Lydia was out. My tears also came out, tears of joy. She was grayness as well as dingy when I saw her, yet amongst a long umblical cord. Then the nurses cleaned her, as well as in that place she is my sweetness package of joy, resting on my chest. Oh the joy, indescribable!!!

She's grown upward a lot these iii years. Actually a flake also matured for her age, I feel. Her infancy seemed shortlived cos she ran, literally ran similar a kid iii days after she walked. Jumped off the set down at eighteen months. Differentiates betwixt chimpanzee, gorilla as well as orang utan at merely two plus. Whereas Lyanne is pretty much similar other kids at eighteen months, yet babyish as well as fumbling unopen to most of the time.

Last two weeks, I showed her pictures of my Pork Tocino, as well as I asked her what is inwards the film
1. Me pointing to the this, she told me, CHICKEN
2. Then I pointed to this , she answered CHU YOKE, which meant pork inwards Cantonese.

I was rather surprised that she could recognise the chicken cos it didn't hold off similar a drumstick or anything inwards her books. But I tell you, she tin recognise a feathery chicken, a dressed chicken (no heads), raw chicken parts inwards hypermart brochures (be it pectus or wings) and telephone band them all chicken. Cooked or raw, she'll tell yous chicken. Even if yous tear the meat as well as set inwards her mouth, she tin tell if it's chu duad or chicken.

Now, she's non thence much of a foodie. Remember this incident? Of late, she's non real interested inwards her meals, except noodles. But she yet enjoys my bakes, peculiarly bread, although I non practiced inwards it. And she cannot resist vegetables, peculiarly carrots, raw cucumber and "Choy Sum".

And I love the means she helps me brand steamed buns, as well as here's her creation.
I telephone band it marbles bun (bozi bao). The minor balls of dough sense of savor genuinely practiced when made this small.

I'm certain yous all remembered this picture before Chinese New Year's Day 2010.

But then, permit me exhibit yous other pics

Her First Christmas

Playing amongst the figurer at 17 months. Just playing, non doing anything for real.

Her get-go fourth dimension inwards a swim conform at Sg Klah hot springs.
Ever since, she ever likes to accept out this outfit as well as inquire me to convey her to the beach.

Lydia my dear, I volition convey yous to the beach, I promise.
Pester your father, non me, equally I'm non the i who volition move driving yous there!!!


(we already receive got i beach vacation planned at the terminate of the year)
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