Love To Bake Pumpkin Jam 南瓜果酱

 But Mike insisted it last called pumpkin jam Love to Bake Pumpkin Jam  南瓜果酱

This is supposed to last pumpkin kaya. But Mike insisted it last called pumpkin jam. To him, kaya must accept eggs, as well as when it’s eggless, it’s jam.

It smelt corking when it was ready, the whole describe solid smelt of kaya! But the smell was somehow lost later on beingness chilled inwards the fridge.
B4 it was chilled, it smelt coconutty, later on chilled, pumpkiny. Still it was ok.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fleck to a greater extent than salubrious than the eggy kaya.

Recipes online says only educate inwards a pan over flame, but alongside my sense inwards kaya making (I come upwards from a menage unit of measurement that’s been making kaya commercially for to a greater extent than one-half a century), brusk cooking fourth dimension makes it to a greater extent than perishable. (I’ve bought homemade kaya that turned bad later on a calendar week fifty-fifty when it was inwards the fridge!! That’s pan cooked, guaranteed!) Kaya is supposed to last double boiled over a long menstruum of time, then that the carbohydrate volition non crystallize as well as the kokosnoot milk inwards it won’t spoil for days. The kaya my mom used to brand tin last kept for to a greater extent than than a calendar week w/o refrigeration as well as it’s non fifty-fifty kept inwards sterilized jars. If refrigerated, endeavour keeping it a year!

So, why didn’t I double boil it? Well, the deadening cooker is similar a double boiler, but piece of occupation on it on depression heat.
High estrus during the commencement hr won’t spoil it, cos it’s actually snail deadening to estrus things upwards inwards a deadening cooker.

If u don’t accept a deadening cooker as well as desire to double boil it, practice it for iii hours.
If u conception to complete the jam inwards a solar daytime or 2, past times all means, educate it straight over flame. I can’t complete it that fast, then improve educate it slowly…

1kg pumpkin flesh
100gm carbohydrate (U tin pose more)
100gm palm sugar
350ml thick kokosnoot milk
iii blades pandan leaves, knotted

1. Steam pumpkin flesh until soft. Puree alongside a blender or squeeze it up.
2. Mix pumpkin flesh alongside kokosnoot milk, as well as both sugars.
3. Place mixture into a deadening cooker together alongside pandan knot.
4. Cook on high for an hour, depression for ii hours.

It's around a calendar month since I made this, as well as the jam is even then inwards expert condition, sitting inwards my fridge. I purposely posted this late, to encounter how long the jam tin final inwards the fridge.
Last week, I made buns alongside this pumpkin jam, as well as they tasted good!

Update 1 : The jam spoiled at six weeks. Well, can't last compared to my mom's master copy kaya, cos there's then much less sugar. But nonetheless, it didn't spoil inside 1 week.. kekeke

Update ii : My friend gave me feedback that her jam was even then expert for seven weeks.

 But Mike insisted it last called pumpkin jam Love to Bake Pumpkin Jam  南瓜果酱
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